
Make your own all natural, dog friendly Darren and Phillip Easter Cookies for dogs!

Make your own all natural, dog friendly Darren and Phillip Easter Cookies for dogs!

Easter is next weekend so why not make something special for your fur-baby!?

The team at Darren and Phillip created a special Easter cookie recipe for dogs so that your doggo can to enjoy a little treat on Easter as well. 

We had so much fun making these, lots of trial and error, lots of laughs and LOTS of drool. 

What you’ll need:

For the Cookies

1 tablespoon of peanut butter (be sure it is dog safe!)

3.5 cups wholemeal self raising flour 

2 eggs 

1 tablespoon of Greek yoghurt 

1 teaspoon of chia seeds 

1/3 cup of boiled pumpkin 

1/4 cup of blueberries 


For the Icing

Corn starch

Little bit of Greek yoghurt 


Food colouring 

Little bit of honey



Baking tray 

Rolling pin

Cookie cutters



  1. Boil the pumpkin 
  2. Preheat oven to 180°c
  3. Mash pumpkin and blue berries together 
  4. Add in the Greek yoghurt, peanut butter, chia seeds and flour 
  5. Mix together
  6. Add in the 2 eggs
  7. Mix again, using your hands might make it easier! 
  8. Dust your rolling surface and knead the cookie batter a little before starting to flatten it out with the rolling pin, about 1 cm thickness is good
  9. Let doggo lick spatula or spoon 
  10. Get your cookie cutters and go for it! Cut, cut, cut! 🍪
  11. Lay the cookies down on a baking tray with baking paper 
  12. Pop them in the oven for about 17 mins or until golden brown
  13. Take them out and let cool for about 10 minutes

Time to mix your preferred icing colours! 🌈

(Check the food dye is dog safe and be careful not to stain anything like bench tops!)

  1. Mix equal parts water and corn-starch (eg tablespoon of corn-starch, tablespoon of water) to your desired amount of icing, with a tiny drop of food colouring and a drizzle of honey just for flavour  
  2. This might seem like a strange clumpy texture, we added little bits of Greek yoghurt gradually to make mixing it a bit easier, or if it is too runny then gradually add tiny bits of corn starch to harden again
  3. We found dipping the cookies face first into the icing much easier than spooning it on! 
  4. Once base icing layer is on, pop cookies on a tray and into the freezer for 5 minutes, this sets the icing so the colours don’t blend!
  5. Add a tiny bit more water to your left over icing (if needed) and drizzle it over the now set cookies
  6. Then be ready to feed the cookies to your fur babies! 

You bet that Dazzle and Philly taste tested to ensure 10/10 yumminess!

Be sure to share your Easter cookies on Instagram and tag @darrenandphillip so that we can see them! 

Here are some of the Darren and Phillip staff’s dogs taste testing too, no crumbs survived.

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